Sunday 13 April 2014

Freedom In Christ #5

The last session was all about or daily choice. I don't want to go into all the teaching in any detail this time. I want to talk to you about the truth that I am discovering. The greatest thing that had happened to me in the last few months is being empowered to make the right choices.

The thing that hit me hardest about the session was the verse from 2 Peter 1:3.

'His divine power has given us everything we need for life and Godliness through our knowledge of him who called us'

 I asked myself a question; If his divine power has really given us all we need for godliness then what holds me back?

The answer has to be that 'I do'.  I have read those words from Galatians so many times 'it was for freedom that Christ has set you free' and I am not sure whether I have really deeply believed them. I ask myself, is this what freedom looks like? It so often doesn't feel like freedom. But then I haven't had the mentality of freedom.

I have often felt like I was sort of drifting down the stream of life, bumping off the edges, caught in currents. What this truth is awakening me to is that I can take hold of the rudder. If Christ has set me free for freedom, what else can it mean? Free to not sin, free to follow, free to really live.

And as we sow to the spirit and walk according to it, day by day, our mind is renewed and our eyes are opened. I have had such an increased awareness in moments of temptation of my freedom to chose what is good. And this slavery to righteousness feels far more like freedom than the freedom to sin ever did.

And as we realign our neural pathways and muscles memories to doing according to the spirit, I have found that the fruit of the spirit is in increasing evidence.

Earlier this week small moments of choices to walk by the spirit have led to disproportionate 'harvests' of righteousness. The particular thing I am thinking of involves someone elses personal story and I am not free to share it but I made a choice to not do something that seemed completely reasonable (and possibly godly) and instead listen to the spirit that transformed a personal situation and relationship. It started with a refusal to be judgemental.

I intend to continue to walk in this way and 'roll it out' into as many areas of my life as I can.

This stuff really works. Thank you lord

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