His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. ~ Rev 19:12-13
Today's blog leads me back once more, rather surprisingly, to Clint Eastwood.
Clint made his name, somewhat ironically, by playing a character, in a series of low budget westerns who was called (or rather, wasn't) The Man With No Name.
The ambiguity surrounding Clint's character's name, reflected the moral ambiguity of the movie itself. The spaghetti western (So called because they were shot in Italy to save money) , and Clint himself, gave rise to the movie anti-hero, who featured in films where the moral line between the 'Villain' and 'hero' was especially blurred.
The Man With No Name was a rather clever device to bring in a sense of brooding mystery to the character. He kept you guessing, and that kept you interested.
And it is this, and this (pretty much) alone that Clint's character has in common with Jesus; Mystery.
Whereas Clint's character refused to divulge his name, I strongly suspect, because his birth name was probably something like Howard (A fine name , I am sure, but hardly the name of a cold killing gunslinger, although that may explain all the rage and bitterness) Jesus' Name that no-one knew hides a true mystery.
The prophecy is very explicit about who Jesus, who has no moral ambiguity whatsoever, really is. 'The Lamb who was slain and yet lives' and 'The Lion of Judah', for example even to the extent that, at the end of this passage, it is revealed that He has, inscribed on his thigh, his great title, King of all kings and Lord of all lords.
Yes, scripture is very explicit about Jesus.
And although in places his presence throughout the biblical narrative, is covert, ultimately it is about the Revelation of Jesus, indeed, that is the purpose of this very book. It is The testimony of Jesus Christ.
Everything in revelations screams out the identity and true nature of our saviour, and yet, we are reminded here, so as to not start to think we have a monopoly on him, or that we have somehow contained him within our understanding, rather tantalisingly, that we cannot begin to know everything about him. he is unassailable in his mystery.
When John wrote these words he had no idea of the scientific knowledge we have now. He had no idea of galaxies and black-holes, or red and white dwarves or of supernova. He had no idea of what an atom was, or that it breaks down into 3 components, or what would happen if you split one. He had no idea of micro-bacteria or DNA or of the intricacy of something as basic as photosynthesis.
And yet, we are told, In HIM, all these things hold together and live and have their being.
And think of all the scientific discovery yet to be made? If we know the tip of the iceberg, what is there that remains unknown?
And yet all mysteries and all knowledge are contained within the supremacy of Christ.
He is indescribable, unknowable, unfathomable, eternal and infinite.
And he is love.
We have not begun, not even close, to understand or know this Jesus.
And yet he has revealed the heart and substance and character of Father God, a vast mystery in itself, when he lay down his life, the righteous for the unrighteous...to bring us to God.
And we are promised, as glorious as this is, that now, this; all this, is like looking at a reflection in a dirty shop window. But one day we shall be invited in. we shall know fully, even as we are fully known.
And we will have forever to explore that, with him.
And we will see him face to face, and be changed. And he will be with us and be our God.
Yes. We haven't even begun to grasp.
And let us live with this hope, in awestruck and humble worship,
this day,
And all days,
scriptural themes, spiritual truths & social realities explored from a Jesus centred, bible based perspective.
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