Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Fear God

Then I saw another angel flying in mid-air, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth – to every nation, tribe, language and people. He said in a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.’~ Rev 14
Please,  I can't emphasise it enough,  please take the time to read Revelation for yourself.
As I have previously drawn your attention to the prophecy's own promise that the person who reads it will be blessed.
And I need to draw your attention to that again this morning.
Let me say that it doesn't always feel a blessing.  But then neither does a diagnosis of cancer. 
But let me tell you,  a diagnosis of cancer is a great blessing in comparison to not getting one.
In getting one you can take steps,  seek treatment,  and in terminal cases,  put your house in order.
But Revelation gives this diagnostic blessing,  but the blessing to come in the following age (from heeding the diagnosis) must be incomparably great. An eternal reward,  in fact.
The section here in chapter 14 on the proclamation of three angels,  the first of which I have quoted as a header for today, must be read in the context of what has come before.  The previous chapters deal mainly with the rise of 'the beast' and the whole earth's subsequent worship of the same.
And to all those facing pressure to worship the beast the Angel says 'fear God and give him glory '. Worship him rather than the beast.
It's worth noting that this angel has the eternal Gospel to proclaim. 
It is an eternal gospel.  The promise it contains (and is founded on) is Eternal and binding.  It will never fade and nor will it's reward.
It also carries eternal significance for both those who accept it and for those who reject it.
We are told to fear God.
That's not the first time we have heard this.
It is the beginning of wisdom. So the psalm says.
I think of fearing God as being wise is a little like saying it's wise not to turn your back on that lion you stand before.
It's a no brainer.
But as a cuddly charismatic,  with my often over familiarity with God,  it is a constant temptation to see God as more of a friend. One  who tolerates all my bad behaviour and and turns a blind eye to my sin.
But that's not how it is.
Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones spoke once of how the respect of our Heavenly Father must be at least equal with the affection for him.
As CS Lewis says of Aslan... He is not a tame lion.
And fear of God, the right sort (not the sort that prevents us coming at all) is closer to respect.
Like you would respect the sea. It can be a fun environment and a source of livelihood, but you would never want to forget it's capabilities.
We are told here especially to fear God in the context of persecution.
The stark choice between allegiance to God and the possibility of feeding your family and being able to live 'peacefully in society ' is one that requires some true perspective.
We could easily be tempted by peer pressure and by hunger and self preservation,  to accept the mark of the beast (whatever that will be).  We make even be tempted to keep our lives at the cost of taking such a thing.
But we would be fooling ourselves.
God say that all those who took the mark will be tormented.....and their smoke will rise forever. They will never rest,  day or night.

That is how serious a thing it is.

“If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, 10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”
If we fear man,  and man's opinions, then we fear the wrong thing.
We should love God because he is good and loving,  and not because he is scary. 
But we should never be in doubt that he is extremely capable of being scary.
Jesus told us,  do not fear the one who has the power to destroy the body,  but rather fear the one who after the body is destroyed,  has the power to cast your soul into Hell.
And the truth is,  that this giving away of ourselves to worship another...its may be far more subtle than we expect.  It may be that the seeds of our downfall are already being sown in the much softer ways in which we are tempted to compromise.
Jesus told us to die daily to ourselves. To surrender ourselves and take up our cross.
If we are already surrendered to Jesus,  then we have much less chance of being enticed to follow something or someone for the comfortable option.
Father,  we thank you for the incredible mercy and compassion that you showed us when,  by the blood of your own precious son,  you redeemed us from sin and forgave us.
Thank you that that great love has won us and that we belong to you.
And while we never want to forget your love,  please help us also to never underestimate your hatred and intolerance of Sin and what it cost you to defeat it. Please help us to shun and be done with it,  and to respect you with reverent fear that is due to your name,
This day
All days,

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