Have you ever noticed how easy it is to fall into idolatry?
When, as the Christian tradition has a long history of doing, you remove the definition that limits idols to literal statues of deities, but broaden it to mean anything that that can take the place of true worship to God in heart and in outward expression, then we can see just how easy this is.
As the Pharisees were so focused on the outward observance of law (and the thought of idolatry to them was abhorrent) they failed to notice that they had made an idol of the law itself.
And Jesus told us that our righteousness should exceed that of the Pharisees.
He says, 'you have heard it said, "You shall not kill" but I tell you that anyone who hates his brother in his heart is guilty of murder'.
So we see that it is the heart that God regards in the human condition, above all things.
Man looks to the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
But we are also told that out of the overflow of the heart, so speaks the mouth.
It is impossible to have a truly good heart and bad actions. One flows from the other.
And so it is with worship.
It is in our hearts that we are to set apart Christ as Lord.
If Christ is not Lord here, at the seat of our being, he will not be Lord in wherever our feet take us.
And here is the shocking thing we see in revelation; John, who has spent time with Jesus, seen him perform miracles and eat fish, who was there at the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, even John, who should know better, is tempted to idolatry by this experience of the angel.
And what prompts him to worship the angel?
Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”
At this, John says, I fell at his feet to worship him.
He is in gratitude for the salvation that the gospel has bought humanity, it may even be supposed that it is gratitude 'to god' that elicits this response. And on one level, one can understand. This Angel came from God, this Angel speaks the words of God, this Angel is a mighty and powerful heavenly being.
If one were to worship anything apart from God, one might think that an Angel would not be that bad?
But absolutely and unequivocally not.
And I think that sometimes we ourselves are tempted to idolise good and Godly things or good and Godly people. Perhaps harkening back to good times given by God.
When our past glories hold us back from our future goals in God, when we unfavourably compare ourselves to 'better people' when we allow ministries or gifts to inflate our ego, or become a source of affirmation outside of God. All could be conceived as idolatry.
Yes even good and Godly things can become idols.
There is one name that matters and one loyalty, above all things, that will last. For there is no name that higher than the name of Jesus.
If the Spirit of prophecy inspired and wrote the entirety of scripture to point us to Christ, and the Spirit of Prophecy that confronts us with God's truth then we ought to know and acknowledge his supremacy in all things and before all beings....even mighty angels.
And the Spirit's very role is to glorify and honour Jesus. And Jesus reflects the Father and the father sends the Spirit. But Jesus has been given the name above every other name. And in mind-blowing conclusion, I have to say that, although it is not distinct from or apart from him, Jesus is the highest name in the Godhead too.
And anything that steals his glory or takes his place is idolatry.
Even your best experiences. Even your most productive of gifts. Even your most trusted and oldest friend.
In Christ alone we stand.
No one can add to him,~
No one can take away from him.
Let's give him all the glory and honour and praise,
This day,
And all days,
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