Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.~ 1 Peter 5:8-9
(Today's blog is part two of a series on being a grace terrorist. To catch up click
Life under occupation
The enemy is prowling. He walks the streets, patrolling, to see who is out after curfew.
He is peering through windows.
He is rummaging through the bins, searching for evidence of disloyalty.
He is stopping and searching all that he finds have strayed into his path.
He is rummaging through the bins, searching for evidence of disloyalty.
He is stopping and searching all that he finds have strayed into his path.
In short he is out to get you.
And being a stickler for the Law, he will press to his full advantage anything you give him.
That is why we are told in Ephesians 4:27 "Do not give the Devil a foothold".
Have a strategy.
He will use anything he can to separate us from the flock, to isolate us, so he may pick off the weak.
Sometimes he uses secret sins and shame tactics. Always he uses accusations and condemnation.
We are told not to give him Any foothold.
We are told not to give him Any foothold.
Hebrews 12 tells us to cast off the anything that hinders and the 'sin that so easily entagles'.
A smooth wall is unassailable.
Satan will look stupid trying to climb it.
Give him NO grip.
Don't get caught in his net. But if you do we have a weapon against which he has no defence.
Pull the pin out of a grace grenade.
Shame and secrecy entangle you and inhibit you. But with one confession from your lips, the sin is forgiven and the shame obsolete.
It's like the the ladder he was climbing just retracted all its rungs.
Stuff shame.
I will deal with this some more tomorrow, but in the preceding verses we are told to humble ourselves beneath his hand because he opposes the proud.
But he gives grace to the humble.
Amazing grace.
It's the nuke in a war on sin.
And sometimes the Lion isolates the sheep by manipulating the flock to withdraw.
We must watch out for the ones who are being cut off.
We are told, be self controlled and and alert.
The KNJV puts it "Be sober. Be vigilant."
I like the word sober. Although we think of it as pertaining to alcohol or drugs, in the main, it also means that our judgement should be unimpeded and free from all undue influence.
There are many non narcotic things that can cloud our judgement. Non narcotic but equally toxic.
Romance. Pride. Peer pressure. Godless culture. Insecurity. History.
And the list could go on
Our only influence should be the twin lenses of his word and his spirit.
These are the resistance fighters night vision.
With them we can see clearly and make sober judgements.
And not being unaware of the Devil's schemes, we are to be alert, vigilant and watchful.
As a guerilla fighter, you need to have your witts about you.
Knowing your enemy is key.
Familiarise yourself with his tactics and avoid them like the plague.
And warn your fellow fighter wherever you see them in trouble, whilst being careful not to expose yourself to the same danger.
And warn your fellow fighter wherever you see them in trouble, whilst being careful not to expose yourself to the same danger.
Lord, help us this day. Help us to walk with eyes open, with grace as our armour and the word as a weapon.
Fill us with your spirit, and with his wisdom that we might live in such a way that we may inflict maximum damage on the kingdom of darkness, without ever becoming casualties ourselves.
Fill us with your spirit, and with his wisdom that we might live in such a way that we may inflict maximum damage on the kingdom of darkness, without ever becoming casualties ourselves.
This day,
And all days,
And all days,
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