Wednesday, 20 December 2023

Living Word



In the beginning was the living word,
Before a word was spoken,
Before a sound was heard,
There was a nothingness,
A great and awesome void,
Pre matter, pre planet, pre asteroid,

And the word was spoken
Into the darkness
and "out of this darkness
The Father has sparked this",
The word was the light and the life of men,
We behold his glory, now as then,
Jesus, One of us; no more us and them.
So he was born in the town of Bethlehem,

"And yeah, the world was made through him,
To redeem the world, the word became human,
He's more than a phonetic sound,
Gods word is a tangible, living kinetic, energetic noun,
An extension of God, so he's always been around"
To reclaim your soul from the lost and found,

The Word became human, became flesh and blood,
Left his throne and moved into the neighbourhood.
 Not sitting at the ringside, he joined the fight,
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light,

He walked where I walk, so he understands,
He feels what we feel, we call him the son of man,
But also the loving, Son of God,
Born to save his people,
To uplift the down trod,

He knows us, he's human, in every single way,
Yet somehow, God, able to save the day,
Not stood back, or far off, or judging from the sidelines,
But bloodied, and bruised, and walking on our time-lines,
God in it, with us, Immanuel,
The end of fear and lonely hell,
Flesh and blood, human, not God in human shell,
Not selfish, or power hungry,  nothing to sell,

This God-Man unlocks the paradox, Two opposites side by side
The first shall be last. Serving to rule, the flipside of pride,
He wouldn't ask you to do, anything He wouldn't do,
He proved it, improved it, He has done it too,

This baby, this manger, this unassuming scene,
Not fit for a noble, let alone the king of Seraphim,
But he did not consider it unworthy, of someone like him.
Because, like the lottery, you have to be in it to win it, and take it back again,

And that's exactly what he did.

*Quotes from Hazakim ''Crown' & DC Talk "Free at last"

Reflection: Living Word

I am publishing these poems mostly in the order I selected them for a book I had been planning. What I had missed in compiling them was that there would be a group of them that were written specifically for performance at Christmas events. They tend to be something akin to bombastic (though, because of the subject matter, I wont go that far) and a lot of the power is in the delivery, which, of course, will be lost here.

But there is something in the performance, the spoken word, which brings life to the potentially dull words on the page. You can judge how well it translates, especially if you were there for the original performance and are now reading this. I am often told it helps to hear my poems.

Bombastic implies that there is a lot of hot air. Empty words, as such. We humans are full of these. Some more so than others.

But not God. His word is action. Literally. In the beginning he spoke. He spoke, and he said 'Let there be light', and there was light'. HIs word is true. If he commands it, it happens. He is and it does. And so John's portrayal of Jesus, at the beginning of his, quite frankly, stunning opener, as The Word, ties him in with this Greek concept of the Logos, but also the The Word of God. 

God gave his word. Jesus is the promised one, from Genesis where he tells the snake, 'You will strike his heel and He will crush your head'. We know that though this is the earliest record of the Messianic prophecies which permeate the whole of scripture, John asserts again, in Revelation, that he was slain before the foundation of the world. This is to say, he is the eternal word of God. There is no difference between God speaking and it happening. And Jesus Christ was not plan B. For in him all things were made, we are told in Colossians. In him and through him and for him, and in him all things hold together.

And all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ. 


Hold fast people. Hold fast to the hope you have in Christ.

And The Word became flesh, and dwelled among us.


He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.

~1 Peter 1:20-21~

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