Peace On Earth
When peace shall finally be spoken
When bones shall no longer be broken
Split asunder with shell
Flesh forced apart by semtex and shrapnel
When factions shall finally cease
And prisoners of conscience, see release
When hearts will cease to wage
War with God on every page
Of the book of human life,
When there is an end to strife,
When The last tear has been shed
When the last drop of blood has been bled,
When sword is forged into ploughshare
And spears into pruning hooks there,
And the dark, dark art of war
Will be studied never more,
When there is no more death or dying
And no more sorrows sighing,
For sorrow and sighing will have flown away
When the old order has passed, on that great day,
When Bethlehem's baby is returned as king
And the whisper of peace that he brings
Will be heard and felt by all
As loud as a mighty waterfall,
Then and then only will the peace fully come
That was spoken of, when the angels sung
Of goodwill and peace on the earth
At the advent of saviour’s birth,
An echo of what is to come
This peace
This whole shalom.
Reflection: The Now and the Not Yet
His name shall be called....the prince of peace? From Isaiah's perspective the Messianic figure of his visions was to bring about his rule and put an end to war. Isaiah 9 says every soldiers boot used in battle and every blood-soaked robe will be destined for burning. And, as referenced in the poem, in Isaiah 2 he speaks of swords being turned into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks.
But this peace on earth was not to come at his first coming. In fact, his arrival was marked with bloodshed, the slaughter of the innocents, as Herod tried to wipe out all competition to his line. And many wars themselves have been started (falsely, I believe) in his name.
But the reign of the Messiah is not yet in full effect. It is now (He has come) but it is also not yet (He will come again). We live in the in-between. My pastor likes to use the illustration of the time lapse during the second world war, between the D-Day landings (The outcome is determined) to VE day (the outcome is realised).
But take heart. Where ever his reign is truly in effect, he is the prince of peace. He brings peace, and good will to all. The influence of his peace is felt across the world. But there is this reminder that it is only on that first day of the rest of eternity we will se our hearts desire. And sorrow and sighing will flee away.
And for now, may I remind you of his words: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.
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