Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Nothing But The Blood

God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood--to be received by faith.~ Romans 3:25

Yes people,  this is the third blog on this verse alone (and there may yet be a couple more,  but I wanted to delve a little further into the atonement,  and more specifically how we access it.

In the same way James decries belief in God as a sole component in our salvation, (stating that even the demons believe!)

I want to suggest that it is not simply a general belief in Jesus that saves us either.

Certainly acknowledging him as the son of God is a vital organ in the body of saving faith, but it alone will not save you,  just as it won't save a demon.

What you believe about Jesus is almost, if not entirely, as important as the fact that you believe in him.

Here in this verse we have Jesus as the sacrifice of atonement.

And how this was achieved? 

By the shedding of his blood.

And how then do we access this atonement?

How does this translate into atonement for our sins?

We are here told that it is to be received by faith. And yes,  that is a good start. But the NIV (which I have quoted)  gives it a certain slant.
It might be helpful to look at another translation.

Another version (KJV) has it;

"God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood"

So we see that saving faith,  access to the atonement,  is through faith in the blood of Christ.

That is not to say a faith in the blood,  apart from Jesus.  It is not a separate entity. No. It is intrinsically linked to the person and work of Jesus Christ.  It is HIS blood.

But it is that the sacrifice itself is the focal point for our faith.

Jesus was a great teacher and a powerful worker of miracles.  But if he had not shed his blood he would offer us nothing in terms of forgiveness of sin and eternal salvation.

His blood was shed in place of ours. His life ended so that ours could begin.

It is precisely this substitutionary nature of the atonement that we need faith in.
The faith we have in the atonement is like the access code that allows us to activate the account. Without it the account may be full of credit,  but we can never touch it. And what good is that?

So it matters what we believe.

And nothing but the blood of Christ could be a sufficient offering for sin. Nothing else could pay the price.  No one but Jesus could have offered a life free from sin that made him a spotless lamb.

If anyone else had attempted to make the offering,  death would have simply and rightfully consumed them,  but because death's claim on humanity comes through sin,  it had no claim on Christ and it could not hold him.

Death where is thy sting?

We could not save ourselves.  We could never redeem ourselves from the curse.

But a single drop of the blood of Christ quenches all the fires of hell for us. It can save to the uttermost.

Nothing we can do or offer will ever surpass that.

He paid the price and there is nothing left to pay.

And the wonderful, wonderful news is that we simply have to receive it, by faith,  that God is satisfied to look on him and pardon us.

You are made clean.  You are made free.  You belong to God,  because of the blood shed,  because of the cross,  where wrath and mercy meet.

Your blood speaks a better word
Than all the empty claims I've heard upon this earth
Speaks righteousness for me
And stands in my defense
Jesus it's Your blood

What can wash away our sins?
What can make us whole again?
Nothing but the blood
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can wash us pure as snow?
Welcomed as the friends of God
Nothing but Your blood
Nothing but Your blood King Jesus

Your cross testifies in grace
Tells of the Father's heart to make a way for us
Now boldly we approach
Not by earthly confidence
It's only by your blood.

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