He did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. ~ Romans 3:26
I entitled this blog Justwice because, to be honest, I wanted some intrigue in the title. I hardly do click bait, but there is nothing wrong with trying to arouse some interest. And secondly, because he is Just twice.
He is just just.
This is a perfect example of how God kills two birds with one stone.
But the cross is cleverer than that.
For example, he makes two diametrically opposed concepts such as mercy and justice and achieves both simultaneously in one act.
How cool is that?
If anything he kills a bird and a fish, in two separate continents with a small piece of gravel.
God is amazing.
The double justice here though is equally clever.
As a justifier of the unjust (us) he could be accused of being unjust himself. If, instead of the cross, God had simply pardoned us for our sins, he would not be a just God. He would be like that lawyer who defends a paedophile, knowing their guilt. In human cases you can call such a lawyer a proponent of human rights. And I see the dilemma. In a court each person before their guilt is proven, has the 'right' to have the best version of their defence presented. Without that the whole system is flawed.
But such a lawyer ought to feel at least slightly ethically challenged by the dilemma.
Perhaps a better analogy is to compare God to a Judge who knowingly acquits the guilty party.
Where then is his justice?
He has been merciful, certainly. But he has most certainly not been just.
But the cross is the fiendish cleverness of God.
He justifies us whilst simultaneously punishing sin.
This verse alludes to the fact that up until the crucifixion, he had left sin unpunished, but in Jesus he both punished sin and justified the sinner who has faith in him.
The foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men .
This is the 'deeper magic' that C.S. Lewis speaks of in the classic 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe '.
God tricked the Devil into performing his purposes and sealing his own destruction and undoing.
God's wisdom bears out in history too.
Hitler; Hates and persecutes the Jewish people. Plans their extermination. Became the main contributor in creating the state of Israel.
You see, God is working in all things, for the good of those that love him.
And with God nothing is impossible.
He can be at once just and still the justifier of the unjust.
Never, never, never underestimate Jehovah. He can do anything, and nothing can stop him.
You feel out of control?
You feel overwhelmed?
You feel stuck?
Be still then, and know that he is God. He is working, even in this, and his will is irresistible .
He calls the things that are not as though they were.
And remember, he spoke into the darkness and created light. He formed the world by the breath of his mouth.
And he calls you, who is not, as though you were.
And you will be changed.
From glory to glory, yes. And finally, in the twinkling of an eye.
We will be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
Now we know in part, but we shall know fully, even as we are fully known.
And we will be home.
Bless you,
And God's word be blessed to you,
This day,
And all days,
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