I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.~ Rev 21:22-23
In the verses immediately before this We are shown a vivid picture of the new Jerusalem. And incorporated into its fabric are the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles, symbolically showing the seamless connection between the old covenant and the new (though really they are one and the same), the second covenant being symbolic of the grafting of the gentiles into the vine of Israel. In short, this is a Jerusalem for all people's of all nations, made one in Christ.
There will be no more racial divisions, no more political divisions and no more religious division either.
In fact, there will be no religion.
This is depicted in the absence of the temple.
No need for ceremony or sacrifice.
Again we see, the reality is found in Christ.
You see, the rites and the images seen in the ceremony are only ways for us to connect to God, through the veil, as it were.
But remember what Jesus says when he shares the last passover with his disciples,
"I will not drink this again until I drink it with you anew In the kingdom "
You see, we have communion in his absence. But in his presence we will have the real deal. We will drink with him, and not to commune through a rite or sacrament .
I am touched by people like Bear Grills who claim that they are not big on religion but commune with God in nature, in his wildness and power.
And, although I love church, and although our faith is to be worked out in community, as God reaches us through others and others through us.... And we become part of the divine outreach of his love for humanity... Religion itself is not what it is about. It is this personal, genuine and intimate connection with the divine, as he is.
And these ceremonies are just reflections, and nature can only contain a small part of the power and imagination of our creator.... But a time is coming when the best of all this will be overshadowed by the reality of God's presence with us, in every moment and we will love and enjoy him forever.
That day,
And all days thereafter,
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