Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children~ Rev 21:7
I, like many children, have had a tempestuous relationship with my Father over the years. It has not been the easiest of relationships and the transition into adulthood and to negotiating a new way of relating to each other has been at times, choppy waters. It has been better for many years now. Better and healthier, but not perfect.
As a younger man I found it much easier to hold him at fault.
But these days I have a new understanding.
Last night I went for a meal with my Dad and he gave me some advice... Well more of an admonishment.... About a few areas in my life which may require some attention.
It was all in good grace and I know completely that he had good intentions.
But I am particularly vulnerable when it comes to his criticism.
And although his words to me were loving, and many containing truth, they still unintentionally bruised me.
But this morning, as I mull over his words I became aware that although much was valid he simply has a different perspective to me.
He is a different entity entirely.
Am I at liberty under biblical teaching, to question his advice or motives?
Where does honouring your Father become making an idol of his approval?
As you can see, I am still in the thick of it.
But what helps me to get a better understanding of this relationship is that I am now myself a father.
And I know firstly that Fathers can be weak, because I am weak.
And I know they can get it wrong, because I frequently do.
And I know that sometimes good intentions don't cut it.
And I know we need a whole lot of grace, and maybe something a little more too. But more about that in a minute.
So hard to work out this tricky bit of becoming your own man/person.
But I should have known my heavenly Father would be on the case.
This morning I looked at my Facebook and saw that on this day, a few years ago, I had posted a quote by Floyd McClung ;
He's (God) your real Father, always will be. Dont ever resent the failings of your human parents. They are just kids who grew up and had kids. Rather rejoice in the wonderful love of your Father God.~ Floyd McClung
I think that is the essence of it.
All earthly fathers are just kids who grew up and had kids.
We, some of us, carry our hurts and misconceptions into adulthood (I am sure all of this applies to mothers too) and our personalities reacting with our particular environment shapes who we become. Some of it good, and some of it not so good.
But essentially an adult is a bigger kid. They are still fallible, they are still working it out.
This, as influential as it is, is not the most important parental relationship you will encounter.
God is our perfect heavenly Father, who is due all our affection and respect, and who loves us perfectly.
We may not always understand this but it is still the truth.
I find this so helpful. And so needed today.
Relationships can be messy. But God is constant and perfect. We need never doubt his love or motive.
And he is a father who will bring us into our inheritance.
Inheritance was spoken of, last night. But that inheritance requires the death of someone I love dearly.
This inheritance, for his victorious sons in Christ, is something we can share with him... And indeed we haven't already begun to move into it.
I have also been privileged with my earthly father, to begin to inherit before his death.
You see, my father is also my brother.
I have been blessed with a lovely, Godly father who's example in the faith has meant a great deal to me, and who's very words led me into the kingdom, stern as they may have been. I have inherited this true wealth already.
He is not perfect, but I can honour him.
It is a privilege to be his Son.
I only hope that one day my son's will feel the same about me.
But this perfect Child/Parent relationship with God is what we were made for.
And the day is coming when all the imperfections will be ironed out.
But we can look to him, always. For love and guidance, for help and sustainance, for tenderness and protection, always, no matter what our earthly patents are like, he will not fail, and nor will his love,
This day,
And all days,
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