Monday, 11 July 2016

See, hear, come, look.

Revelation 6;

Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals;[a] and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.

I feel an imminent departure from the overall narrative of the Prophecy is coming.

Much of what we make of what follows depends on theological interpretation,  and I am scarcely qualified for that kind of speculation.

I must admit that I find completely unsatisfactory,  the approach that says that it doesn't matter what happens or what future is being predicted because the message of Revelation is that we 'win in the end '.

This book is here for a reason, and part of that is some kind of foretelling.  There are signs and events and things that must pass before Jesus' final reign on the earth.

And without understanding such things as 'the mark of the beast',  how would we discern these things in order to live faithfully.

And we are told later that, 

Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy and understands them

Yep. Blessed and rare.

But it is there to be got to grips with.


Where we don't understand,  we can take one overarching message from the whole book,  and guess what that is?

That's right.

We win in the end.

God is in control,
The Lamb has triumphed,
Don't worry when things get nasty,
And they are going to,
Because you reward is unsurpassable and......
We win in the end.

Revelation 6 goes on to describe the opening of the seven seals and what they contain,  and I have to be honest
It gets weird and kind of depressing (if we are not reading with the aforementioned victory filter) and it does so fast.

The passage I have posted pertains to the first of four horsemen, each representing an aspect of destructions to be released upon the earth.

But its always returns to the throne room and to the victory of the Lamb.

But the chief reason I believe we are told these things is that we understand that God is in control.  That he is permitting them for a time,  but that time will end and rewards await those who hold on.

So in the midst of turmoil and tribulation I want to point out four things exemplified by John's interaction with this vision.


Now,  John says that he saw when the Lamb opened the seal.
And it's pretty obvious really. In order to see,  he has to be looking.

And where are we looking?

Easy to look about us at what we see,  and,  with natural eyes  to despair or to miss what God is doing.
John was in the Spirit,  and he was looking at what God was doing.
If we keep our eyes on the Lamb and on the throne then  we are better poised to deal with anything. The kind of perspective we need comes from judging temporary sufferings against an eternal God.


John was listening.

Are we listening to God's voice?
How often do we cram out silence with distracting noises,  the voice of the world almost like a spiritual tinnitus.

We need to be listening to God.

Above all other voices.

Do you hear the voice of despair?  Do you panic and worry?
Or do you hear that still small voice thats whispers peace to your soul ; Do not fear,  I am with you.

Do you hear critical voices telling you that you are worthless and amount to nothing?
Or do you listen to the voice of the Father saying 'Child you are mine,  I have called you by name'.
Yes the creator of the universe,  the vast and expanding universe with galaxies and galaxies of stars and planets,  one that would take a billion lifetimes to cross,  is intimately and emotionally involved with you.

The psalmist says,

When I consider the heavens,  the moon and stars which you have put in place, what is man that you should even think about him, or the children of men, that you should care about them?

But he does.  And loves them so much that he sent his only son.
And he loves you. 

Every hair is numbered.  Every tear recorded.  Every day is written. 

So who are you listening to?


The voice of the living creature says 'come and look '

I know that I have kind of been here with the first point,  but this is slightly different.
This is an invitation.

Sometimes we need to take a step towards God.  To step into the vision,  to come and look.

Take the time to enter through the door that is opened. 

We visited this at the beginning of chapter 5. Come up here,  we are told.

Call to me,  says God,  through the prophet Jeremiah,  and I will show you great and unsearchable things.

Some times we have not because we do not ask,  and we see not,  because we do not look,  and we miss out because we do not come.

So come.

And like John,  no matter what transpires,  we will see the victory of the Lamb,  both in history,  and personally.

Remember it may not always look like victory at first,  but we need to see with the right eyes.

God bless you today, 


Open our eyes and ears,
And give us feet shod in readiness to come at your invitation.,

For your glory and honour,


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