Sunday, 10 July 2016

Everything That Has Breath

13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:

“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    be praise and honor and glory and power,
for ever and ever!”

This morning I want to,  in a sense,  step away from the concept of the worthiness of the Lamb.  We seem to have looked an awful lot at that,  and rightly so. It is a subject we will possibly ponder and marvel over, eternally.

The Lamb is worthy.
That's a given.

But for today,  let me focus on the universality of his praise.

The scripture says,  not only will every knee bow before him and acknowledge his lordship,  but also those creatures without legs or knees to bow.

Every creature

In heaven,
On earth,
Under the earth.

That about covers it.

I believe it is the Westminster confession that states that it is the chief end of Man (kind) to glorify God and enjoy him forever.

And not only mankind but all of creation was made to serve the purposes of his praise.

And it is certain. We were born to give him praise.

In our doubt and unbelief, in our self absorption and ambition,  we so often miss it.

But there are moments when praise is so encompassing,  when we lift our heads,  and praise through the pain,  or praise in celebration of all that he is to us and has done for us that the world around us seems to fade into the background shadows,  as we step into his light.  The pain and weight of this life of sorrows just drops off of our shoulders and we know this is what we have been missing.

Psalm 150 tells us ;

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

And we are told that the very heavens pour forth speech,  day and night,  of the Glory of God.

When Jesus is asked on his triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Luke 19) to silence the crowds with their Hossana's he tells the detractors,

If they were silent,  even the rocks would cry out!

And we are told elsewhere that all of creation groans for the unveiling of the sons of God.


Because it is hindered by the curse from praising as it ought until that appointed time.  It yearns to be free of those chains of silence.

Revelation describes a time,  when every being will declare the praise of Jesus.

All that he has made will praise and love him.

This nightmare of inhibition will finally end.

And,  as one of our popular worship songs asserts, 

One day every tongue will confess,
One day every knee will bow,

But still the greatest treasure remains for those,
Who gladly choose you now.

This morning,  look up.  Look away from strains and mess and trauma,  and release your praise.

This morning, turn every blessing and happiness to the praises of the one who gave them,

And don't hold back,

Enter his courts with Thanksgiving in your hearts,
Enter his courts with praise,

Enter his presence,
With praise,


He who sits on the throne,
Who purchased you with his blood,
He is worthy to receive it all.

Be blessed this week, starting today,  by fulfilling the very function for which you were made,

Praise him
In all things.

You won't be sorry,
You will be liberated.


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