Advent Blog: Day 7
This, believe it or not, is the second angelic annunciation of a miracle pregnancy in this first chapter of Luke's gospel. The first is the appearing of an angel to Zechariah, to be the father of John the baptist. Luke counter positions the two events to highlight the quality of Mary's reaction. Zechariah is met by the angel Gabriel, who greets him (as angels often do) with the words "Do not be afraid".
I have had two experiences in my life where I have arrived at the conclusion of angelic visitation and yes, predictably, they were both in that "angel unawares" category. People who were seemingly human, in appearance but were there for a divine purpose and had a divine effect. The first sounds so trivial I almost don't wish to share it. I cant offer any proof of my suspicions. Sometimes when you have spiritual experiences, you just know.
I had been buying a bottle of wine as a Christmas present for the people I was staying with. I did not have a great deal of money at the time (nothing changed there). I had spent the last of my money on this bottle of wine. When I came out of the supermarket I placed the bottle, in its carrier bag, on the ground while I unlocked my bicycle. As I did so I knocked the bottle over and it smashed. I was disproportionately devastated.
Then, out of nowhere (and this is usually the common theme) this old lady appeared from behind me. She put her hand gently on my forearm and said "Don't worry". I felt calmer almost instantly. "Take it back to the check-out" She continued "and they will give you a new one". I had broken the bottle off of the premises and had never thought that the supermarket would replace the broken bottle. it wouldn't have occurred to me in a million years. So far it doesn't sound like much more than the kind advice of a benevolent stranger. But there was something unusual about this "woman". She squeezed my arm a little more firmly and made direct eye contact with me, made a point of it. It was so intense. She said "Its going to be alright". I nodded and smiled feebly. She raised her eyebrows and said, with a strange emphasis, "EVERYTHING is going to be alright." There was something about that phrase and the ensuing sense of peace I get, even now, when I remember how she said it, that has stayed with me ever since.
I turned to pick up the dripping wet bag and when I turned back round, a second later, to give my thanks she had completely gone. I do not expect to convince a cynic with this story but I knew as soon as I recalled it to myself, that this had been something "other". The supermarket did indeed replace the bottle.
The second story is a little briefer. Noah my youngest son, had been playing in the back garden of our house, at the time. He was about 2 yrs old. My then wife was sitting on the doorstep drinking a cup of tea in the sunshine and, knowing Noah to be safely 'penned in' round the back, relaxed, even though he was out of sight. Noah, unbeknown to her had found a small gap in the fence and decided to go for a wander. After 15 minutes or so my wife realised that it was a bit too quiet. She was utterly shocked, on investigation to find him nowhere to be seen. After what must have seemed like an eternity of tearing around our estate (in reality probably half an hour) in a blind panic, asking all the neighbours, she returned to the house, presumably to call the police. As she returned a rather tall gentleman was walking down our street towards our house from the opposite direction, with Noah, (not then partial to strangers) meek as a lamb, placidly holding his hand. The man simply said "here is your child". My wife said the man seemed calm and emotionless. He accepted no thanks, he offered no explanation. She said, at the time, that there was "something about him". Our little village community, at the time was well known to us and this man had never been seen by us before or since.
I do not offer these as proofs of the existence of angels. I know what these experiences meant to me and in both cases the result of these experiences was a calm reassurance. Gabriel said to Zechariah not to be afraid, that God had heard their cries and was about to answer their prayers. His barren wife Elizabeth would conceive and their son would be great in the sight of the LORD.
Zechariah was a priest, he was visited by an angel, he was reassured and yet he does not believe. Gabriel says something which, I think is powerful and dreadful in its simplicity. I would fall to my knees in an instant if I heard these words
"I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God"
That gets the hairs on the back of my neck up. In other words "I know what I am talking about and I am not to be trifled with!" Zechariah is struck dumb because of his lack of belief. Gabriel's condemning summing up of his crime; "You did not believe my words which will come true at their appointed time".Marys reaction is quite different, as we will see tomorrow. Zechariah refused to have his fears assuaged, he questioned Gods word. The result? He was struck dumb, unable to speak until the child was born. Mary responds with belief and acceptance and the result...... is jubilant singing.
My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
holy is his name.
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
holy is his name.
(Luke 1:46-49)
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