And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people~Luke 2:8-10
Advent Blog; Day 21
I love this about the Gospel, that the wise men, traditionally portrayed as kings, presumably prominent men with status, sought out the baby Jesus to bring him their tribute while the common shepherds received an angelic invitation. The contrast speaks volumes to me.
Jesus is a great leveller. I want to focus on the part of the angels message that says "I bring good news that will bring great joy for all the people".
One of the first things that springs to mind in the public perception, when Christians are thought of is rarely "great Joy". We are portrayed in film and media, usually as creepy, over bearing, fanatic, bigoted, pious, reserved, controlling, judgemental and many more things besides but rarely Joyful.
I have been part of church culture most of my life and these portrayals, though they serve dramatic purposes fairly well, are not my experience, on the whole. The people within the church circles who seem to be the most Godly also seem to be the most joyful. Lets let it sink in GOOD NEWS of GREAT JOY. If Jesus paying the price for your sin, the knowledge of a place and purpose in the world and the assurance of a better life to come are not reasons to be ecstatically joyful then I don't know what are. Christmas is a time of merry making. It is life affirming and celebratory.
Next I want to focus on the most amazing part of what the angels said......great joy....for ALL the people.
Jesus did not come just for the Jews. If the whole messiah thing had worked out in the way it was conventionally expected to then the non-Jewish peoples wouldn't have got a look in. He came for people from every tribe and tongue, from every social background, from every political persuasion, from every class system. He came for all, not to express Gods love to the Jewish people only but to all.
This Christmas lets include as many as we can in the celebrations. Christmas, as a festival, has its arms open wide to all people. Christ the saviour is born,
scriptural themes, spiritual truths & social realities explored from a Jesus centred, bible based perspective.
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