Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Getting started

Hi all! I've always wanted to "do" a blog but been so technically incompetent in the past that I've never quite got around to it .....until now. As a good friend of mine said to me a year ago when I got my first e-mail account..."Welcome to the '90's" My enjoyment of technology has been slowly gathering pace.....1st phone in 2003, 1st Internet search in 2005, use of e-mail (my ex-wife's account) in 2008, 1st snoop of a My-Space account (shortly followed by divorce) 2009....joined facebook Jan '10.....and now this...the world is my oyster. Still cant do downloads for my damn MP3, but it WILL surely will!

Okay, well I have to address the rather grandiose title of my Blog I suppose. Primarily I felt put on the spot and rushed the decision (something I vowed never to do again after I created an incredibly long and slightly inexplicable e-mail address) but with past experience in mind I did my best to think of something I can live with. I have a Mumford and Sons CD in front of me on the desk (hence "little lion man" tag) and secondly I am both  a christian and a Bob Dylan fan. "Truth is an Arrow" is lifted from a Bob lyric in the song "When He Returns" taken from Bobs most explicit Christian period of music. The full lyric reads; truth is an arrow and the gate is narrow that it passes through. Now I suppose I wanted the concept of truth in my blog title because the idea of truth (and more specifically honesty) is central to my faith and life. That means I promise I wont try and blag you into thinking I'm some kind of spiritual giant. I'm not. I am all too human. However I am prone to moments of utter conviction and I cant apologise for that either. Its a mixed up wheat and tares kinda life and there is sour....and there is sweet. Truth in its purest essence is flighty (you have to be quick to catch it) it is powerful (try getting on the wrong end of the moving arrow) and its target is small (perception is key and the time to receive it is often short).

I want to be free to be real and truthful about my faith and my doubts. God takes on the whole person he doesn't just see me in my Sunday best (I never wear Sunday best) and I cannot lie to him nor hide from him. As Jesus said...You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Feel free to come along on my journey, in part or in full and I will do my best lighten and enlighten yours!


  1. I cant tell if want to be asked or tell me if Im being overly inquisitive...what was the myspace incident???

  2. Ahhh well Ali, My then wife had contacted an old flame (with my permission) because she wanted to "dispel the myth" of this regret she had always felt about finishing with him. She was married to me at the time of this "thing" and it amounted to a few secret snogs at work. They started chatting via my space. She then started a VERY LONG process of letting me down gently. One day when she was out (and we were very near the end by now) I suddenly thought "what have I got to lose" and logged onto her account (ridiculously easy if you know the person intimately) and read the messages between them. All a bit sordid really. I blew up at her and she was in shock.....we only lasted a week longer after that.I kind of regret it but it did let me know that we were really over when she wasnt actually telling me that in person.

  3. nasty business. I guess its always good to get it out in the open, however it happens. The 'letting you down gently'...thats just rude. In my experience (im currently watching a family member's very nast divorce) apart from the infidelity...the switching allegiances, the secrets, the plots, its just so rude and disrespectful. Anyway, as I dont know you or your ex wife thats probably enough from this particular peanut gallery...
    Looking forward to being inspired by your blog...go!
    PS I dont know if your aware, but Im actually a bit of Bob Dylan fan myself. ha


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