Okay, I have a question. What is the difference between a Christian and the rest of the world? I am currently living in a shared house. There are 4 of us at present and the divide is an even 50/50 as to believer status. My original intention in this living arrangement was to be a "witness" by sharing our lives. If I'm honest, when I got into this my desire was to have a christian majority (3/4). Safety in numbers I guess. Somehow, initially I found even these odds a little intimidating. Why, I have to ask myself. I think I now have some insight into this. Is it because I am ultimately insecure in my faith and actually coming from a weaker position instead of a stronger one. Well, possibly, to a degree but. I suppose it boils down to this; I don't want to be continually questioned as to the validity of my beliefs and more importantly i don't want to be exposed as a hypocrite by the contradictions in my lifestyle and my message. In short...can I walk the walk as well as talking the talk...and boy can I talk!
Being in my (ahem) mid 30's I have enough life experience to know that in normal terms "I ain't no saint". I know that even with the best will in the world, with all my best efforts at piousness my faults will be all too obvious and sometimes the more religious I get the more obvious the faults are. So why go ahead with the decision to open my life to scrutiny and to allow that to be the acid test for a few people to see the nuts and bolts of the spiritual workings of a self professed christian? I guess it's this....that I really believed that with all my faults, that in my openness to make mistakes publicly, that in my choices sometimes to repent and about face and in my willingness (and in the absolute necessity) to apologise and make amends that God IS present....and though I am undeniably human...he is undeniably God and he is in me by his spirit. If you like; Christ in me, the hope of glory.
I think, given my evangelical background, that too much emphasis has been put on beliefs and "ticking the right boxes", that the foundations of our faith are far too often based on systematic theology and not the love of Christ. How seriously do we take Jesus command to "Judge not less you are judged". I personally break that one hundreds of times every day. There is only ONE judge.You don't need to look at the bible for too long to find out that these issues of belief are far from clear cut. Its mixed up, wheat and weeds. Moral ambiguity and double standards are rife.....the mist of ambiguity only clears for me around the person of Jesus Christ, suddenly the focus of our gaze becomes crisp and clear and bright....for as Colossians tells us; we are looking at the visible image of the invisible God. It is over reliance of doctrinal positions that causes us to live in Ivory towers and form christian ghettos. We are called to be "not of this world" sure. We are also called to be IN it.
I had a sad conversation with one of my non christian housemates last night. He can acknowledge that I at least aspire to follow the life I preach and to help people out, to love my neighbour and that there are others in the church he has met that also live a life of kindness and compassion. His argument is that those who live like this are no different to non believers who are compassionate...that this isn't really an indication of the reality of Gods love but simply a natural disposition. That there are others in the church who would have simply "walked on by" when he was homeless. I cant argue with that, much to my regret.
So What is the difference? I know what motivates me personally (and I know that my motives can be mixed) but am I just a "good man" (I shudder slightly to say that) in christian shoes? Where is Christ in me? Oh lord Jesus for some resurrection power. Am I really a child of the light, are they really children of the darkness? All I can tell you is that I can walk into a church as disillusioned as anyone, wallowing in self pity and bogged down with the guilt of my sin and failures and suddenly we sing a song to Jesus and my heart is summoned back to life. There is a presence with Gods people and focusing on him that I experience nowhere else. Worshipping him it all makes sense. He is my hearts home. At the end of the day it comes down to faith....and I simply believe...I cant help it!
scriptural themes, spiritual truths & social realities explored from a Jesus centred, bible based perspective.
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I reckon the difference is direction...you're either moving (sometimes just facing)towards Jesus (truth, justice, compassion) or away from him. The more I live, think, read the more I think your friend could be right, there are just people, inside and outside of the church who are kind, compassionate, warriors of justice (or 'Christ-like' as I like to call them) We are all made in the image of God after all, so its not suprising.
ReplyDeleteCS Lewis and I both agree that it is the intention of our hearts that God judges. It would be easy if there was just a line to cross or a box to tick...hence the industry that is 'the church' but I just dont see it.
I dont believe that 'all roads lead to GOd' but maybe all those who walk the path of justice, compassion, caring for widows,orphans, the sick, the homeless etc etc find that Jesus was on that road all along....maybe. What do I know, Im loving the blog though...
"he is my hearts home"
ReplyDeleteI like that.
Ohh, J, Men are so different from women. I saw this at uni when the CU hosted a dinner party for some of the Muslims. We women sat up stairs, discussed food and culture and what it means to live our faith in what others believe are huge strictures, while the men sat downstairs and got into very loud discussions. To me, downstairs was futile and bitter, while upstairs I felt like I knew these women so much better by the end.
ReplyDeleteWe made a huge effort to prepare halal food, to make them comfortable and welcome, and to be open and honest with our questions. The men arrived with various scriptures to throw at one another.
So when I think of you in your home, I think, can you just be mates without having the issue of your faith on the table for every chat? Or is that too much compromise? You cannot expect someone who is not a believer to recognize God - or Jesus - favourably. But I like that you are thinking, how am I different from a good person. Hopefully, frankly, you aren't. Hopefully, you will be thought of as kind, as thoughtful, as generous, etc. But you will also have a hope not only for yourself, but for others, that they will know their father in Heaven, that they will have the weight of the world lifted from their shoulders through knowing Him - the one who, yes, is the judge, but who also would lift our burdens.
You can only live your life intentionally, J. You can only make the choices that you feel are the best to make. It doesn't mean we are any less aware of our screw ups.
My mouth gets me into all kinds of trouble. I know this. And I try to keep a muzzle on it at times. To not speak first. Not just to be a witness but also because I don't like being identified sometimes as the person attached to that mouth.
I suppose my question really is, do you want to live your life as a witness, so you are completely second guessing everything you say or do, or do you simply want to live your life and hope and pray that you live honorably, being a protector of God's Glory (did you know Glory means reputation?)?
Marj....I dont think we are saying different things. These are my friends and believe me faith does not come into every discussion. You see I dont consider being a witness to be very much to do with words but more about being yourself and being open about your faith and honest about your doubt and trusting that god is present in me. Ive learnt that as a parent. It is 90% WHO you are and 10% what you say. That is what I was trying (badly) to say. I would much rather be upstairs with the women ;)