What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter? if, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness."~ Romans 4:1-3
Paul has been talking about justification by faith. To the ears of many of his hearers the idea of God's approval being something that was not to be earned, but simply believed in was going to be a shocking one.
As one of my good friends says, "We don't need to earn God's love because he already loves us".
It's pretty simple really, when you look at it like that.
But Paul seeks to prove and illustrate his point to Jewish readers by embodying this abstract concept in a person. And not just any person, but the person that the Jews regard more highly than any other.
You think this is a new truth? (Paul seems to be saying). No this is one of the oldest truths. It was present right at the beginning starting with the founding father of our people!
Abraham discovered.
That means 'learned'.
He discovered that when he walked in faith, in relationship with God, it was credited to him as righteousness.
1. Without faith
It seems superfluous to say, but when we are looking for role models, Abraham himself may not always seem like a good choice. Fathering Ishmael with Hagar. Passing off Sarah as his sister......Twice!! He had his flaws.
But he had faith. Remember that without faith it is impossible to please God. Because anyone who comes to God must first believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.
Faith is the spark that starts the fire. It is an enabling thing. Without faith it is impossible!! But with it, we can begin to trust and seek GOD, and embark on the most rewarding adventure ever.
Abraham becomes a father of a great nation, and his descendants, Naturally through Isaac, and Spiritually through Jesus, outnumber the stars.
He IS a rewarder of those who seek him.
There is always a reward for those who have faith in God, but none greater than the reward of a relationship with God himself. that he should take our beliefe in him, and credit it to us as righteousness. How incredible?!
He will walk with us, just as he walked with Abraham.
And as a footnote, we all need people we can look to.
Good and Godly examples of faith.
Hebrews , which I have just been quoting, tells us to imitate those who through patience and faith receive what God has promised.
My own father has been a great role model for me in this matter, when I look at his long history of faithful service in the church, and how his desire for God, and his commitment to him has not waned over the (many) years of his life (sorry dad). He is still longing and praying for revival and to see God move in our little community. Even now, after most of his life is passed, walking with Jesus, he is still hungry for him.
We need Fathers and Mothers in the faith.
Paul sets an example in this, that he draws inspiration from people who showcase this living faith in God.
And I think we too will do well, if we can look for those people who through patience and faith receive what God has promised, in order that we may imitate them.
scriptural themes, spiritual truths & social realities explored from a Jesus centred, bible based perspective.
Sunday, 2 April 2017
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