Wednesday, 7 December 2016

When Darkness Veils His Face

"When darkness veils his lovely face,
I rest in his unchanging grace."

Lovely lines from a powerful adaptation of a classic hymn. Poetic and true. Resonating with life changing potential.

 But sometimes we sing couplets like this like we're passing bridges on a motor way. Oh look, and it's gone.
When do we linger on words and meditate on the goodness of God reflected in them?
Some traditions do this well, but few do it justice.

When darkness hides his lovely face.

When you can't see him, or even grasp his reassuring hand in the midnight hours,
When you can't see the clock and understand how much longer you must endure this night,
When your thoughts of him are built solely around the consolation of past experience of his love;


 Rest in his unchanging grace.


There you are, and it's midnight add infinitum, and your mind assails your senses.

The long dark night of the soul is sleepless.


Do not pressure yourself into sleeping. It clearly doesn't work. Do not will yourself better. You will only end up frustrated and guilt laden.


Desist from working at feeling better.


Allow yourself to be carried,

By grace.

His grace that is free and full of joy in his presence.
His grace which does not depend on your activity or worth.
His grace which is driven by compassion and rooted in his love and mercy,

And His love for you.

Like a letter arriving from a distant loved one, remember that sweet grace, remember the face of him who loved you from eternity.

And he is unchanged and unchanging and will never be shaken or moved. He is not like the shifting shadows. He is the same.




His love never fails.

His abounding grace never ends or dies,

So rest,


Rest, beloved,

And know that underneath are the everlasting arms.

Lean on them,

And nurture your soul,

Like a baby at suck,

Be still,
And know,
That he is God,

Even in this darkness,

And yes, this too shall pass,

But his love and goodness,
Shall endure forever.

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