Wednesday, 12 October 2016

The Mission, Should You Choose To Accept it...

We have already looked a little at apostleship.  Apostle, I understand,  literally means 'sent one'.
In a sense,  not the grandest definition of a title that carries such weight. Until, that is,  you consider who did the sending....

The qualification for this kind of apostleship is that of having met the risen Lord Jesus.

What an amazing privilege in itself!

And we looked a little, yesterday,  at how they who saw were blessed but more blessed are those who believe without seeing.

That's us, folks.

That is us.

So first I want to say that I love the fact that Paul does not, and never,  leads with the authority inherent in his position of 'sent one '. The first recognition of the gift that he has been given is that of grace.

Later he says, it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this,  not of your selves.  It is the gift of God.

Wow. The undeserved favour of almighty God,  on you and I! The Lord of the vast starfield,  in a universe that is creating new solar systems to this day,  when we live in a galaxy we could not cross in many lifetimes,  has looked down and noticed you. And not only noticed,  but bestowed his favour,  at the cost of his one and only beloved son.  You who were content to go your own way and never have to acknowledge the one to whom you owe your every breath. He showed you grace. He put this treasure within you,  the riches of his grace.



And Paul is no different.  He never loses the sense of awe at this love. And this grace and calling are the foundation for his message.

The message that we will examine a little more tomorrow, is that of obedience to the faith.

It is a call to repentance and faith.  And obedience.
In becoming obedient,  we will be calling others to obedience and faith.

But don't fret.

Because,  as we have seen,  this message is of grace from start to finish. It is not something you can achieve.

God will give the gift as he sees fit.  That part is not your responsibility.  God will work independently of your effort or ability, but he choses to use you,  to include you, to partner with you in this amazing work of Salvation.

Co-workers with the Holy Spirit.

I hope today you will be inspired afresh by God's amazing grace to choose you, and to use you,  for the sake of his name.

let us choose him then,

This day,
And all days,


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