Tuesday, 8 September 2015

A Casting Off Of Everything That Hinders

Last week I wrote a series of devotionals for a private on-line prayer group I am part of.  The theme was on resolve and determination. I thought that some people would benefit from a wider sharing, so I am republishing them on my blog page too. I hope you are encouraged to 'take hold of that for which Christ took hold of you'. Be blessed, in Jesus name, by the power of the Spirit,  to the praise of his glorious grace...

"let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."~ Hebrews 12:1

This weeks verses are all about determination and resolve. We often focus on the grace of God, and that is right. But speaking for myself, I need a boot up my bum to get me moving. For some reason, for me, the Lord has seen fit for that spur to be something self initiated. It seems to me to be like the butterfly emerging from it's cocoon. It needs to break out by itself, otherwise it will never have the strength in it's wings to fly.
The image of a race that the author uses in these verses is extremely helpful. Listen, its not about winning. It's about completing. Although we run in such a way as to get the prize, the prize is what awaits us all at the other end, and all who complete the race qualify. All.
I am not in competition with my brothers and sisters who run with me, but I am in competition against my own body, and against the world.

In the days of the Olympics, races were ran naked. I wonder if that is what the writer has in mind when he says 'strip off every weight that slows us down'.
If the garments of the world are still being worn.....the high heels of vanity, and the low slung, pant-exposing trousers of pride, the long billowing skirts of false modesty, the sensible shoes of religion....the race is that much harder. I like the NIV's use of the words 'ANYTHING that hinders'. Whatever holds you back or weighs you down.....ditch it! It is not worthy of comparison with the reward that awaits you.

Oh, and the sin. Oh the sin that SO EASILY entangles! Brothers and sisters let us slip from every snare. The race is beset with bear traps of sin. Give these things as much berth as possible. And if the trap is like one of those vice like traps, get someone's help prizing it off so that you may re-join the race. It is time. Oh Lord is it time, to be done with sin and devoted to God. And in the spirit of Matt 18:9. It'd be better to gnaw your leg off than be stuck in that trap. It is time, indeed.
At the start of this week, as we look to new terms, let us forget what is behind, and straining towards what is ahead, fix our eyes on Jesus, press on, and "Run, Forest, Run!!"

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