When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. ~ Luke 24:30-31
Since we have been following in Luke I want to move to Luke's first recorded encounter with the risen Jesus. The encounter that two disciples have on the road to Emmaus.
I love this story. Some of the disciples get the shining angel experience, some get the personal revelation, some get indisputable proof. But some of us simply have our eyes open that he has been with us on the way but we didn't perceive it.
Something simple. Something we do every day, something as basic as eating a meal and it is transformed, when our eyes are open.
And for many of us Jesus appears to us, in our mundanity and reveals that our despair was unfounded, our hope was not in vain, that despite appearances, he never left us. And he is, very much alive.
And it gives me hope that when I am not aware, whatever my circumstances and I am lost, once more, that all may not be as it seems. This ordinariness can still be transformed because Jesus is alive, I only need my eyes open to that fact.
The hope of resurrection, the glorious miracle, taking place, unlike the crucifixion, not in public, on display in full view of the world, but in a concealed tomb, Just The Son, The Father and the Holy Spirit and a pile of grave clothes. Do we not perceive it?
And so hope in us begins, very often in a private place, and resurrection hits us in the most ordinary of moments. And Jesus transforms everything.
Happy Easter everyone!
scriptural themes, spiritual truths & social realities explored from a Jesus centred, bible based perspective.
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