Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Justice and Mercy caught in salacious shock snogging scandal (psalm 85:10)

Yes its true! The original opposites attract couple have been caught in a public display of nauseating affection. The pair, who have long denied that they are a couple, were seen  in lip-lock by hundreds of local people at a public event on Good Friday.
For eons we have always held them to be uneasy bedfellows . Pundits, philosophers and leading speakers on ethics have all held them to be incompatible. So much so that they have been seen as two distinct choices.  Justice or Mercy. There have been rumors that they could not stand one another, as they almost consistently refused to be seen together.  If you wanted Justice you needed to make sure that Mercy did not catch wind of it and vice versa.
Its true they have always hung out in the same places, been involved with the same causes but the cheeky loved up pair never gave their affair away. Our best reporters have never been able to pin a thing on them...until NOW!
They were caught in the passionate clinch, so engrossed in each other, so entwined that they appeared unconcerned who saw them. The potential publicity stunt was staged in a the most public and inappropriate place that could have been picked. A solem official occasion where the leaders of our city were all gathered to witness the important execution of the criminal and blasphemous Jesus of Nazareth.  That's right.  While dutiful citizens mocked and jeered they seemed unperturbed as they only had eyes for each other.
Speaking after the gaff which has divided public opinion,  righteousness said that he had long been tired of playing the occasional bad cop to Mercy's good cop. "It was getting to me. Righteous requirement for entry into Gods presence was 100% when did I ever get to let some one off.  Sure I was loved when criminals were punished,  especially notorious ones. But what about parking fines, and temple taxes.  No-one loved me then...except that it turns out Mercy felt the same, for totally different reasons! "
Mercy,  with legs as long as Justice's famous "long arms of law", is a real beauty.  She spoke to us from the orphanage she was currently operating from. "Yes, they are in great shape aren't they? My pins are my souvenirs from  so many extra miles! "
Confirming the new romance, we can exclusively reveal,  she said "Justice gets such a hard reputation but of course I get where he's coming from. The thing we have in common is our integrity. I can never turn my back on anyone.  Its such a bind!  Oh and everyone likes me when I wave a fine  or forgive a grudge but I would let a serial killer off without a thought.
We bonded over our integrity which is ironic really because its the one thing that keeps us apart.  Until we saw the son of God die, that is! We both looked up from the cross and our eyes met. Though we were old rivals (and had scretly long admird each other) it was like we'd seen each other for he first time. He was quite beautiful, simply beautiful."
Love and faithfulness meet together;
righteousness and peace kiss each other.
Psalm 85:10
Our clearly loopy pair apparently understood that in the death of this criminal, Gods righteous law was fulfilled by his perfect sacrifice, the gaga couple claimed. Sure. Also they claim that it is now possible for God to show complete mercy to sinners who come to him because the demands of justice have been met. This, they claim, allows the justified recipients of Mercy to live with Grace, their cousin! This is apparently what got them all hot under the collar.  They are clearly some kind of weird fetishists.....but then love makes you do crazy things!
You can expect to see this couple a whole lot more since they met at the cross.  If you know where to look the celebrity lovers are now inseparable. You heard it here first In the Judean Times.
On the mount of crucifixion,
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God’s mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide.
Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
Poured incessant from above,
And Heav’n’s peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.

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