So, now we have established that we are not the all important conquering hero, cutting swathes through the demonic hordes and singlehandedly defeating the enemy, or a demon seeking christian version of the Terminator, we may settle into the idea that we are a band of brothers and sisters, following orders from our commander Jesus. We need to watch out for each other, to step in at times and cover each others vulnerable sides while they fight elsewhere. This is a team effort.
It is my intention to dedicate a few episodes of this blog to the subject of exposing some general lies that Satan wants us caught up with. Here I want to deal with one in particular. A Sister recently told me " that our mindsets are key to our understanding and participating in spiritual warfare. so what better place to begin than with the renewing of the mind." and I suppose this was the more general subtext of my first 2 blogs on this issue.
Most lies that we embrace, intentionally or otherwise, come through human agents. These may well be demonically inspired (and demonically re enforced) but we are fed most of them through the words (spoken AND written) of other homosapiens. If I have a 15 minute conversation with you...and in the course of that conversation I reassure you, compliment you and affirm you say at least twice in every minute but at the end of that conversation say something derogatory like "Have you put on weight?" or "I think what you said the other day was out of order!" I can almost guarantee you that the thing you will take away from that conversation, the thing you will remember (and hold onto) will be the negative thing that I said. That is just our hard wiring I'm afraid. So we must make an effort to renew our minds. To believe what God has said about us. Things that Parents have said, teachers, bullies at school, friends etc have shaped us over the years. Roles that have been assigned to us in our families (ie He's the naughty one) may have sometimes become self fulfilling prophecies. We need to reboot a little.
Okay, as Julie Andrews once said (or sang rather) Lets start at the very beginning: a very good place to start.
1. You are wanted.
Satan would love for you to believe that you had no place on earth. That your life here were no more than an insignificant unwanted interruption in time. This is a lie from the pit of hell. Send it back with a label on the envelope saying "not known at this address". We are all Gods children. There is no illegitimacy in the Kingdom of God. He is the beginning and the end and has known you throughout. What ever you're parents may have said or done, no matter what your siblings or others have told you. You are unique and your place in this world is to be you. God chose you to do the job no other could; to be you. Remember 1 Corinthians 12:21, that the eye may not say to the hand I do not need you.
Psalm 139 provides most of the basis for what I am saying. Look at these tit bits. If this resonates meditate on this and ask Father, Jesus and The Spirit to give you his mind. Refuse the old lies that will no doubt rise up when you try to believe.
Verse 16 ~ Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
We see here that the Father had a plan that includes us from start to finish. As the hymn goes "from life's first cry to final breath".
Verse 13-14 ~ For you created my inmost being; knit me together in my mother’s womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,I know that full well.
Here we see that God not only wanted us to come into existence but that he was very specific about who we were/are to be. I find this very healing and hopeful.
John 1:12-13~ Yet to all who did receive him......he gave the right to become children of God- children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision...but born of God.
So we see that no matter what we think about our origins or place in the world, no matter who we are, we are accepted wanted children, welcomed with open arms by our heavenly perfect Father. No matter what our start start in life, we can enter into the full acceptance of this loving relationship with God, through Jesus by the spirit.
And if we were in any doubt of his love towards (and desire for) us, look at this...
John 3:16~ For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son
1 John 3:16~ This is how we know what love is; Jesus Christ laid down his life for us
Romans 5:5~ God has poured his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit
He couldn't treasure us more. We are the pearl he sold all for. I think for us to "get it" it has to be more than repeating these things until we believe them. We have to repent of believing the lies, of giving them power by our own thoughts and words and then, FAR more importantly we must enter a deal with God in prayer that we are, you are, I am going to receive that truth, to welcome it and to download Gods love for us, to not just read the verses but to "click on the link" and make it ours.
scriptural themes, spiritual truths & social realities explored from a Jesus centred, bible based perspective.
Friday, 24 February 2012
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