Stand firm then... with the breastplate of righteousness in place~ Eph 6:14
I confess, that at the point I was to tackle this blog I hit a brick wall. Many distractions have come to divert me from ever taking up some tools and knocking it down but primarily I got stuck and didn't fancy having to put any work into it. I am no theologian, I was a poor student of the bible when I went to college and I am certainly no experienced warrior. In truth when I write these things I am often mainly engaging my imagination. Here's the truth; I don't expect to ever be a warrior in the sense that I would like to be, but all of us pilgrims who have set our foot on this path, put our hand to the plough and resolved to not look back are in a battle, all be it the battle against the weariness of worn out limbs or the resistance of the soil as the plough drags. I feel that acutely right now. what do I have to offer?
When a soldier is to face a battle its common practise for them to be given kit. That kit will include both weaponry and armour. Recently in Britain there has been a lot said about the provision of Snatch Land Rovers to the military. They were essentially equipment left over from the days of the troubles in Northern Ireland but due to many factors (some of which, I gather, were financial) they ended up being used in Afghanistan, a terrain and theatre of war that they were not entirely suited for. Many of these vehicles have been hit by IED's and because their armour was not designed for this kind of impact, many of its passengers have been needlessly (it is argued) maimed and killed. The argument over the provision of these vehicles has recently taken a turn in the courts. Previously the Army argued that as the soldiers knew the risks when entering the military, they did not have a duty of care to them. The courts have recently ruled that this is not so. The families of those killed and injured, I believe, will now be able to pursue the Army for damages.
When we join the army of God the whole armour comes as standard. Truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, the readiness of peace and the word of God are all given to us. This righteousness (the breastplate) comes as a gift from God. I cant think of a worse scenario than for me to be fighting the devil with a breastplate I have made. Our righteous deeds are like filthy (menstrual) rags in terms of our salvation. Trust me, when I am fighting the devil I need a bit of kit that is spiritually built and impermeable, impregnable and indestructible. Any kind of righteousness that I could concoct I feel would be about as much use as a Little tykes car in an IED blast, let alone a Land Rover.
Christ did not argue, like the Army, that as we knew what we were letting ourselves in for (I'm not sure we did) he had no duty of care. We were not like cattle to the slaughter, not mere cannon fodder. Though he owes us nothing (but gives it to us freely) his duty of care to us as individuals, as people is second to none. In an attack on our integrity, our worthiness, our standing before God, only one thing would do the job...his own righteousness. We can add nothing to it and take nothing away from it. Satan can throw all he likes at us and nothing will ever breakthrough the righteousness purchased by the blood of Gods only son. When Satan says to me "You are a liar!" or "You are a backstabber!" or "You are lustful!" I can say "yes I am!" If I tried to stand against these accusations on my own merit I could not stand up. But I can point to the cross and I can say to him, "by the blood of the Lamb my debt is paid in full, by the blood of the Lamb....NOT GUILTY". And he is silenced.
The breast plate covers all the main vital organs and so it is with us spiritually; Jesus' righteousness covers all our vulnerability, protects all our weakness.
Righteousness is 1st imputed. That means it is counted to us by God, because of Jesus. Secondly it is imparted. That means it comes from God. Not just as state before him. It comes into our lives by the Spirit of God, transforming our character and practises. We should grow into the righteousness obtained for us, from glory to glory. I say this to focus our attention on the fact that although the righteousness given to us is our primary defence, living a righteous life does afford some protection too. We are told else where to not give the devil a foothold. Our unrighteousness does allow him to cause havoc. It is mainly because we are so ready to fall back on our own "goodness" as a security, that it really rocks us sometimes to be faced with our own fallibility. It shouldn't but it does.
Lastly, Righteousness, the breastplate, should be in its place. It covering us, and we shielded behind it. It must be worn. It will protect you only if you do not leave it back at the camp. It is no good having the most expensive, highest tech, armour plated vehicle in the world if you are on foot in a mine field, you must use it every day.
So what do I have to offer. In a sense; nothing. It was never my own merit that sent me out on this journey, it was Christ, my captain, calling me and clothing me with his goodness. It was grace that led me safe thus far and 'tis grace that leads me home.
scriptural themes, spiritual truths & social realities explored from a Jesus centred, bible based perspective.
Saturday, 27 October 2012
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